Reboot, COVID-19 Update, and Birds

When starting this website and attached blog, I sampled many offerings from firms across Tucson and Southern Arizona. Many, I noticed, began with regular posts and features but then quickly went defunct. “Not I,” I thought - I will continue posting on my blog come snow, rain, heat, or gloom of night.

Hubris. What happened?

When I began my own law firm, as is customary, I had a lot of time to write on this blog and not so many clients. Now, the reverse is true. Handling cases and most of the back-office work single-handedly quickly consumed any extra time I had for creative internet musings.

But now, a fresh start. Not because I have fewer clients, but rather because I believe it important that my clients know I am keeping abreast of real estate matters in Southern Arizona. I will be more regularly posting quick summaries of cases decided by the Arizona Court of Appeals and the Arizona Supreme Court.

Now is also an important time to advise any potential new clients that I am taking every precaution to protect my health and the health of my clients. I am wearing a mask when outside my private office space in my building, including during all meetings. The people working in my building - receptionists, secretaries - are doing the same. All surfaces are cleaned regularly. The court systems in town are taking extensive precautions and conducting most business virtually; my in-person visits to court are rare.

Finally, one of the only bright spots of this pandemic: with people self-quarantining, wildlife is proliferating in developed spaces, including my backyard. This summer has been especially fruitful for birdwatching on the many days I have worked from home.